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QH Safety

Radio interference meter

Radio interference meter

Advantages:The three channels are independently powered, and each channel can be flexibly controlled to set interference separately.

Description:Product description: It has the ability to suppress the navigation signal of the UAV, remote control signal, and the receiving channel of the graph transmission signal, so that the UAV can not locate and lose control. Interference frequency band: Interfe

Application Fields:It is suitable for military and police forces, power plants, petroleum and petrochemical, aviation and airports, public security and judicial, regulatory and other important sites for UAV defense.

 jammer is a device that interferes with UAV signals. It has the ability to suppress the navigation signal, remote control signal and the receiving channel of the image transmission signal of the UAV, so that the UAV can not locate and lose control, and thus achieve the purpose of preventing the intrusion of the UAV. Suitable for assembly with other equipment systems, can also be used separately for interference installation.

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